Jeroen Büscher - VITO / EnergyVille (Academia) & Bjorn Robbens - C-battery (Industry)


In the transition towards a sustainable energy system there is an increasing need for flexibility to cope with variable and intermittent renewable energy production. Battery energy storage systems are part of the solution. At utility-scale, industrial and residential level, batteries are providing services for multiple stakeholders and end-users. These energy storage solutions are nowadays mainly based on lithium-ion battery technologies that have heavily matured over the last couple of decades. However, there are still challenges to be tackled to reach a fully sustainable, safe and reliable battery production and operation value chain while at the same time addressing the needs for enhanced battery performance. This presentation highlights various activities of the EnergyVille partners to overcome those challenges, ranging from material, over component to system level research and development. Recent results with direct benefits for various industrial players will be shown together with a glimpse on our future activities. Thanks to the complementarity of its partners, EnergyVille proves to be an excellent knowledge and expertise center for the development of next generation battery technologies and solutions serving our renewable future.