CRM-system for energy houses: tackling the energy renovation challenge for a densely populated region and a diverse building stock in a systemic approach

Gorilla 4,5 Room
17:40 - 17:55


To boost the renovation pace in Flanders and provide a clear renovation path to citizens, a "Wijkrenovatietool" is being made available to local authorities and their partners. The Digital Twin Wijkrenovatietool will combine the most accurate and reliable data sources with the best available tools and analyses to concretise and monitor data-driven collective renovation trajectories up to and including implementation. In combination with simulation tools and algorithms from VITO/EnergyVille, this tool will be used to determine the most suitable renovation and decarbonisation strategy. This pitch describes how the datasets from “this Digital Twin Wijkrenovatietool” are made available to local authorities and their partners to speed up renovation pace. 

Thanks to the European Project EDIH-EBE (European Digital Innovation Hub for Energy in the Built Environment), funding is available for SME’s and mid-cap companies to guide them through the digital transition. Intellisol E.g. an installer of heat pumps, solar systems and home batteries, investigates with the help of EDIH-EBE how to integrate the datasets of the “Digital Twin Wijkrenovatietool” into their innovative business concept.