The need for data in stabilizing the energy grid

Gorilla 4,5 Room
15:40 - 16:00


In a fast changing energy grid, data will become the key enabler of the energy transition to a more renewable and still reliable energy supply.

In order to accommodate the ever growing supply of wind and solar production on the electricity grid, we need more and more flexibility. Historically flexibility has been provided by fast reacting natural gas turbines, but in order to lower CO2 emission, this flexible production needs to phase out. The need for flexibility is now shifting towards smarter use of the available renewable energy.

We can and have been solving this challenge by implementing Demand Side Response management. But maybe there are other possible solutions to provide the necessary flexibility to the grid? Let us find together the sweet spot between DSR, storage facilities and overinvestment/curtailment of renewables so we can guarantee and rely on a stable and sustainable energy grid.