Next generation electronic materials for ultratronics 2D transition metal dichalcogenides
7:15 PM - 7:25 PM
2D materials, particularly transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), have unique properties that make them highly suitable for next-generation electronic applications. These applications range from advanced logic and interconnects to innovative in-memory computing architectures and power delivery network. In my talk, I will present statistical studies of high-performance 2D TMD transistors and discuss the key design parameters and process conditions that substantially impact the performance of these “interface only” devices. Through these advancements, we have achieved record-high on-state and off-state performance in ultra-scaled 2D transistors, underscoring their potential for complementary FET (CFET) implementations. I will also briefly present our evaluation of 2D materials as an alternative barrier/liner to replace the conventional TaN/Ta bilayer in the back end of line applications.