Liesbet Lagae
Liesbet Lagae, Ms. E. E., Phd, is imec fellow and currently program director of imec life sciences department. In this role, Liesbet is the scientific leader of a multidisciplinary team of over 150 researchers working on miniaturization of biochips, microfluidics and integration of bioassays. By leveraging those chip-based sensor solutions, she builds the tools for next generation DNA sequencing, synthesis, cell sorting, proteomics, implantables and bioreactors. Liesbet Lagae received her PhD degree from the KU Leuven, Belgium for her work on Magnetic Random-Access Memories in 2003. She has pioneered life science technologies based on silicon-based biochips at imec, Belgium. She created a successfully growing business line on how smart silicon biochips could be tailored to the needs of our customers in the health domain. She was appointed as a KULeuven part time professor in nano biophysics as a consequence of these early-career achievements. Liesbet has (co-)authored more than 300 publications. She holds 25 patents in the field. She holds a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant that deals with an innovative cell sorter-on-chip technology. She is or has been promotor of over 25 PhD students.