Isabelle Ferain
Isabelle Ferain serves as Vice President, Product Development engineering at GF, responsible for the company’s qualification of Ultra Low Power CMOS technologies in its 300mm Fabs in Malta, NY and Dresden, Germany. Ms. Ferain brings 23 years of experience in the semiconductor industry spanning both research and development as well as high-volume manufacturing.
Ms. Ferain initially joined GF in 2012 as part of the Technology Development team at Fab 8 in Malta, NY, eventually becoming the facility’s first chief of staff to the senior vice president and general manager. In 2019, Ms. Ferain joined the Central Engineering team as a director and in 2021, relocated to Dresden to lead the Technology Development team amid the site’s major capacity expansion. Prior to her time at GF, Ms. Ferain began her career on IMEC’s Advanced CMOS team.
Isabelle holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in KUL, Belgium, a dual Master of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité in Supélec, France and the Faculty Polytechnique of Mons in Belgium, Summa Cum Laude, and an Advanced Graduate degree in Industrial Engineering from UCLouvain in Belgium. She has co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications in the field of FinFET integration and electrical characterization.