Bart Placklé - imec, Kathleen Philips - imec, Sarah Schols, imec
Bart Placklé - VP Automotive, imec
Kathleen Philips - VP R&D, imec & GM, imec the Netherlands
Sarah Schols - Department Director Sensor & Actuator Technologies, imec
Superhuman driving – automotive ADAS needs super-human perception and new compute paradigms
Self-driving vehicles promise to save lives. Enabled by Moore’s law, there has been mind-blowing progress on AI and on computation hardware. Yet, today, people are still by far superior in detecting and dealing with anomalies in traffic than computers. Especially so if one considers the energy efficiency of human decision making versus that of Artificial Intelligence. On the flip side, people’s sensory system is limited. ADAS relies on a growing number of new and diverse sensors to assist driving, and to -eventually- enable superhuman driving and zero-casualty driving all together.
In this talk, we present recent imec developments on SWIR, lidar and mm-wave radar, along with the sensor fusion that is needed for robustness.
In order to provide the compute power , needed to process all these super senses, in a cost effective ,scalable, reliable and power efficient way we need to take a fresh look at the integration paradigms, packaging and standardization known as chiplets based architectures.