Ya-Mi Chuang - imec
Program Manager- imec
Towards a Sustainable Future: material innovations for the production of green hydrogen and carbon molecules
Fossil fuels have a crucial role in driving the global economy, serving as the primary source of chemicals and as fuels that power modern societies. However, this reliance on fossil fuels has come at a significant cost to the environment. With current emission levels of 37 GT CO2 per year , the remaining 1.5oC carbon budget is rapidly depleting. It is likely this budget will run out in 6-7 years. Given these circumstances, it is imperative that we transition towards a more sustainable future by reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.
One of the promising CCU solutions to this challenge is to make low emission materials from using CO2 and water as feedstock. Imec, a leading research institution, has developed an electroreduction process that can effectively reduce water and CO2 into syngas (H2 and CO) and eventually also other valuable chemicals. By utilizing this process, molecules made from green carbon and hydrogen can be sustainably produced without adding to GHG emissions.
Imec's innovative approach involves nanoengineering key components, including electrodes. Imec’s nanomesh electrode significantly enhances the efficiency and reactivity of the electroreduction process. This allows for more compact and energy-efficient electrode design, ultimately leading to reduced emissions and greater economic value creation. Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) approach holds significant potential to not only mitigate emissions but also support circularity, paving the way towards net zero target.