Outlook for semiconductor manufacturing in AI era

16:35 - 16:55


Since the invention of the transistor 76 years ago, the semiconductor industry and technology have undergone rapid evolution. In recent years, fueled by the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, including generative AI, the ICT industry has entered a new phase. As a result, the market size of semiconductor devices is projected to reach $1 trillion by 2030. Supporting this growth, cutting-edge semiconductor devices have become increasingly intricate and complex. This trend will continue, with the transistor structure, for example, evolving from FinFET to GAA, and further expected to evolve to CFET. Research and development have become more challenging, aggravated by the industry-wide labor shortage. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important to effectively utilize AI techniques such as materials informatics and process informatics for efficient development. And in the production phase, high productivity and yields are crucial due to the significant time and cost involved. In this keynote speech, insights will be provided from the perspective of a wafer fabrication equipment maker on the outlook for semiconductor manufacturing utilizing digital technology, as well as the importance of collaboration to realize this vision.